New Year's Eve and it has been a very long time since I wrote on my blog. I vow every year that I am going to write more often and I never do...but, this year, that will change, for the one thing that I miss so desperately, is writing. From time to time I remember my English college professor telling me to change my major from graphic design to journalism. She thought I was a fantastic writer and had a lot to offer the world of journalism. It really was such a compliment to me since the only writing I had done was in journals at home or papers for school. I did, however, start a young adult novel and children's book and after that I started two more novels...but never finished any of them. Life always seemed to "get in the way".
This could be the year that I finish at least one of them...I mean, why not, what else is there to do now that both children are in school, in fact, one will be in middle school next year. Well, I have asked myself that every year since Vanessa started kindergarten and she is in 2nd grade now. I think it is time to "make" time for ME. The one person who always puts herself last, who worries about everyone else, who never says no, who helps with everything I am asked to help with, who belongs to several groups....the list goes on and on and I think I finally have realized, I want to say no, I don't want to belong to several groups and I don't want to put myself last...and finally, it is okay to do that.:)
It's not that I want to lose focus on my family, in fact that focus has always been my number 1...I'm just moving me up to number 2 instead of being at number 4...hahaha! I have said no to a few things these last couple of months and I didn't feel guilty like before and it was refreshing and I feel I have finally started finding myself again...not that I was lost but I was over-tired, over-stressed, over-committed and not over-joyed. But I think all women go through that phase in life where we say yes too much and run ourselves ragged and now...I am taking time to breathe, to enjoy, to soak up whatever comes my way instead of looking at my calendar to see if I can "squeeze" it in and my plan is to continue to do that this year. Just make more time for whatever I want to....and, well, one of those things is writing! Cheers!:)