HAHAHAHA!!! Not really, I just LOVE that title!! Well, I have escaped exercise because I'm having so much fun and getting plenty with my kids! I bought Hayden a bike and Vanessa can't get enough of being outside so we have been outside ALOT...Which makes for me getting exercise without trying...smiling.
The weather has been perfect and besides being outside, we are quite busy with other things as well. I am getting super busy with Tastefully Simple, I just had a party and I have 5 more within the next 4 weeks...It's crazy! (All this money rolling in is great for saving for my camera )Along with that, MOPS and church have me busy.
We attended a new church today and at first I wasn't sure about it but I am feeling the calling to be there. Brian ran into a bunch of clients, Hayden's best friends go there and they have Sunday school, which is important to me. Along with that, Brian got offered to play in a christian rock band there and he would perform almost every sunday. The pastors were unbelievably nice and today was communion. I have been praying and asking God to send me an answer and today I felt it. I was torn between two churches. I think this church has more for the kids and the music just got switched over so Brian would be starting with a brand new band not actually jumping into one already formed and that would be great.
So, why am I typing in the middle of the day? I am cleaning my house because of all my busy busy days and I let it go far too long. There was an inch of dust and it looked like we had mice running through the house with all the crumbs on the kitchen floor...yuk!!! I just mopped the floors and they are drying so I got on to my blog. I went and cleaned my van also, vacuumed and washed it, it looks ten times better also. I keep cleaning and coming back and writing more.
Okay, it's going on 4:30 now, it is time to get ready for dinner and guess what? I am ordering in Chinese!! hehehe There goes any exercise I have gotten!
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