Once again, it has been too long since I have written but for good reason, it was summer, and we had ALOT of fun! Time got away from me but I was creating all kinds of memories and it really has been one of the best summers of my life. I watched Hayden and Vanessa blossom and grow into their own special people.
Hayden has become more confident and he brightens my day with his laugh and wit. He is turning into such an incredible boy, full of life and love, he gives the best hugs and is so genuine by nature. I'm so proud of him, he is incredibly smart.
Vanessa, my sunshine, has blossomed into a butterfly. She's so free and flutteres around dancing, singing, playing piano and making up songs. She amazes me with her talents, her smile is the sweetest and she gives me so much love all day long. She's sassy, giggly, funny and just plain beautiful. I adore them both and I LOVE watching them grow and discover themselves and their likes and dislikes. They amaze me everyday and I feel truly honored to watch them every step of the way along their journeys in life.
Here are just a few, of the MANY moments, captured in photos, of some of our summer fun:
Summer 2010
Vanessa at the beginning of June, practicing for her recital, she is the little one all the way on the left. So cute! This was her first year of dance with Calista and Kaitlin Swanson. She was recognized at the end of the recital for most improved dancer of the year! I cried!:)
At one of the many playgrounds in our town.
In our backyard, roasting marshmallows to make smores.
Mackinac Island
Hayden playing t-ball for the first time and this is his sport! He LOVES t-ball and actually did very well. He's a baseball kid!
Vanessa dancing at the KC & The Sunshine Band/B52's concert, at Summer Celebration, in Muskegon.

One of many times at the beach this summer.
Right before the 4th of July Parade
Eating and picking blueberries at Grandma Deb and Grandpa Bob's farm.
One of those really special moments captured in a photo, I just love her innocense.
This was during our first camping trip.
At Christofferson's farm getting peaches, plums, grapes, apples and nectarines.
Hayden doing his third annual Gift of Giving donating school supplies to a teacher. This is Ashley McDonald whom he had for Kindergarten.
We also did many other activities from swimming lessons, floating down the river at the state park, camping in Silver Lake, going to Pennsylvania/Hawaii, swimming in their little pool, riding bikes, gardening, catching lightning bugs, going to Sandcastles museum and doing the summer reading program at the library, just to name a few more. Hayden won the grand prize for the summer reading program and won 11 gift certificates and t-shirt. He was very proud as we were too!
Now it's time for more fun, a different fun. Fall brings some moments where I really cherish, this is my favorite season...I love the changing colors of the leaves, the football games, baking and cooking all the comfort food, relaxing watching a favorite show with my favorite blanket, going to the apple orchards, eating my favorite apple-Sweetango, going to the pumpkin farms for fun, Halloween, canning and knowing that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner brightens my days.
Hayden is in First grade and doing AMAZING! I actually am super duper proud of him. His teacher Mrs. Kasley told me one day that she felt honored to have him in her class that he is an excellant role model for the other students. She said he is the best behaved and works the hardest, I couldn't believe it, she brought tears to my eyes as I stood there listening. She also complimented his writing and reading abilities, she said he has great handwriting and he is reading at a second grade level.
Vanessa is in 4 year old preschool and you would think she has been going to school for years she is that into it. She cracks me up! Her teacher is Mrs. Cooper and she is GREAT! She teaches alot with music and art so Vanessa comes home singing all kinds of songs and is always so proud to show me any work she has done. She is writing her name really good and coloring beautifully. She stays in the lines and it is real nice and neat. She is also doing excellant and I'm so proud of her.
If I seemed to brag alot about my children in this journal entry, I am...because they deserve it.
With the death of Brian's father, this summer I stepped away from everything that I volunteer with and concentrated on Brian and the kids and having fun enjoying every moment life brought us, not that I hadn't any other year but it was important for me to just relax, have fun and watch my children grow. Enjoy the simple things, not answer the phone or be outside so much that no one can get you on the phone....smiling. Now that school has started, schedules are created, calendars are filling up with dates, times, appointments, meetings, parties etc...I love that too...smiling again...After a relaxing summer, I was ready to jump into craziness but a little less crazy.
I'll write again soon with more memories to share....
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