Every so often, I jump on my blog, and post something, and I say to myself, I am going to do this more often. That never seems to happen..haha! Life gets in the way and days pass by, weeks pass by, and then it is months later. Oh how I wish it would slow down.
This weekend, it was Memorial Day and we went camping with friends. Not only did I think of all of our veterans, men and women, who served in the past, and whom are serving now but, I thought about how much I was enjoying my time not being on social media. I popped on a few times to post photos but 99% of my time was sans electronics, of any type, and it felt so good! I loved having some peaceful time to reflect on, what Memorial Day is all about, as I relaxed.
So, of course, it got me thinking about going off of social media for the summer. I did it over spring break and loved it so much, I had to talk myself to go back online. I have so many projects, around the house, to work on, and I want to just enjoy the summer with my kids, hubby, family and friends.
My daughter is doing all kinds of fun things, including voice lessons, art class, dance class, sewing, a volleyball camp, and a Japanese cooking class. She wanted to go to Interlochen, to their summer musical theatre program, but it is a 2 or 3 week program and we go on vacation and a few other fun events right in the middle of the time slot. Maybe next year!
My son will be starting driver’s training and he did a resume and applied for a job, doing maintenance to the ball fields, and got hired. He will, also, take on a few customers for lawn jobs. He has made a lot of money, the last three years, doing lawn jobs, so he looks forward to that. He has been saving for a car. Other than that he wants to enjoy his last summer of freedom, as he puts it, haha! He said next summer, he will be working a lot.
We are taking a family vacation, in July, to Switzerland. We are so excited!! Then August, we will go into Pennsylvania to see my family. Other than that, there will be lots of beach days, farmers markets, craft fairs, gatherings with friends, concerts, family and friends coming to visit etc... I cannot wait! I will be off of social media and enjoying every single day, minute, second of summer!❤️
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