Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve and it has been a very long time since I wrote on my blog. I vow every year that I am going to write more often and I never do...but, this year, that will change, for the one thing that I miss so desperately, is writing. From time to time I remember my English college professor telling me to change my major from graphic design to journalism. She thought I was a fantastic writer and had a lot to offer the world of journalism. It really was such a compliment to me since the only writing I had done was in journals at home or papers for school. I did, however, start a young adult novel and children's book and after that I started two more novels...but never finished any of them. Life always seemed to "get in the way".

This could be the year that I finish at least one of them...I mean, why not, what else is there to do now that both children are in school, in fact, one will be in middle school next year. Well, I have asked myself that every year since Vanessa started kindergarten and she is in 2nd grade now. I think it is time to "make" time for ME. The one person who always puts herself last, who worries about everyone else, who never says no, who helps with everything I am asked to help with, who belongs to several groups....the list goes on and on and I think I finally have realized, I want to say no, I don't want to belong to several groups and I don't want to put myself last...and finally, it is okay to do that.:)

It's not that I want to lose focus on my family, in fact that focus has always been my number 1...I'm just moving me up to number 2 instead of being at number 4...hahaha! I have said no to a few things these last couple of months and I didn't feel guilty like before and it was refreshing and I feel I have finally started finding myself again...not that I was lost but I was over-tired, over-stressed, over-committed and not over-joyed. But I think all women go through that phase in life where we say yes too much and run ourselves ragged and now...I am taking time to breathe, to enjoy, to soak up whatever comes my way instead of looking at my calendar to see if I can "squeeze" it in and my plan is to continue to do that this year. Just make more time for whatever I want to....and, well, one of those things is writing! Cheers!:)

Friday, February 21, 2014

A Favorite Childhood Memory

The kids have off of school today and the weather is pretty blustery making visibility terrible so, we are indoors and going through their rooms in search of things to get rid of...I love to do this every couple of months...The more we de-clutter the better!:) And, of course, they keep growing so we have to go through their clothes.:) That part they are not very fond of....hehehe. So, in the midst of going through Vanessa's books, we found my favorite book from when I was a little girl. The book is called Fairy Tales and it is in very delicate condition. The covers are worn, pages are torn out in the beginning and the binding is taped to keep it together. There is not a single page in the book or a word on the cover to tell you who wrote it, published it, the year it was published or it has become a mystery book of sorts. But, what is in the book, is the contents and the checkmark beside my favorite story and at the top of the page I wrote "49 the picture". That was my favorite picture ever and I would look at it everyday and fantasize about my prince.

What I didn't realize at the time is how much I loved that book, that story, that picture. So, when my dad and stepmom gave me this book as an adult, I almost wept because I was so happy to see it, I LOVED that they kept it for me all of these years. I simply could not wait to pass it on to Vanessa but it's fragile state made it almost impossible for her to read it without me helping hold it together. So, we stuck it on a shelf and never really read it. Today, when she brought it out, I decided to go online and see if I could find it and it took about 20 minutes but I finally did. I had to type in what it looked like and that it is vintage and the characters on the front and voila, I found ONE, on E-bay. Now, I have to make the decision, do I buy the one on E-bay that is in much better shape than mine or re-tape mine and see how she does with it. On one hand I want to give her the better shaped book but I feel it will take away from "passing on" this childhood memory....

The front cover

the back cover

                                                                         the tape spine
The inside contents

the picture

my checkmark and "49 the picture"

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another Make-up Gem

So, my Mom surprised me this year and on top of a new purse, which is what she gets me every year for my birthday, she also gave me a Sephora gift card through Facebook. I have to say that is the coolest thing I just learned about Facebook. When it is someone's birthday you can give a gift and choose from different gift cards. Well, then Facebook sends you a gift card with your amount on it and you keep the card and then anyone can add a gift to it through Facebook and you just reuse it. I might have just made that sound confusing but it's really easy and a great idea!

Anyways, with my Sephora card, I got a few little things but my main item was a product by Too Faced and called Smokey Eye. I have wanted this product for awhile and it is AWESOME!!! It comes with instructional cards to tell you how to do a Smokey look for Day, Fashion and Classic and so far I have only tried the Day. I was worried that it would be too much and it wasn't at all. Here are photos below:

I definitely give it two thumbs up and if I had four thumbs I would give it four thumbs up! Here are photos of the product.:)

THANK YOU MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 2014

This year, my goal is to write once a month on my blog, so I can use it as a journal and I can look back at all the things I tend to forget after a few months. I figure if I do this while things are fresh then I will be good to go.:) The New Year started out not with a bang, but with a quietness that I NEEDED after a crazy couple months in 2013. We just needed some time to relax, regroup and not have to be anywhere. It ended up being a really awesome evening and the kids had a blast. We ate chicken wings, veggies and dip, fruit, shrimp cocktail and had mint moosetracks milkshakes for desserts. We played board games and watched the ball drop with Ryan Seacrest and cheered the New Year at midnight, with the kids, with apple juice in champagne glasses. The kids said that was one of the best nights ever so I think we made the right decision to stay home.:)

This week, the kids had three snow days, Vanessa learned how to make homemade pasta with her dad, we made snow ice-cream, Hayden started his research for the Education Fair and Vanessa worked on her All About Me poster. Our basement project is wrapping up soon, the painters have been here the last two days doing the finishing coats and then we just have some bathroom things to be done and wah-la, we will have a new house...hehehe...well, it sure feels that way, anyways, with adding a finished basement.:) Other than that, we are back in the groove of school, sports activities and  everyday life. This weekend, Brian will be ice-fishing, Hayden has a basketball game, we have to make a trip to Muskegon and skiing on Sunday, although rain is in the forecast and Brian isn't feeling so great so we shall see. Here is a photo of Vanessa with the homemade pasta. It is delicious and we started stocking the freezer with batches of it. Have a great weekend!