Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sickness Arrives Again

Now, I am undoubtedly ready for summer...good ole' sicknesses have come again. I have a runny nose, sinus congestion, headache problem...Hayden has a cough and his pink eye is gone but he still has drops put in until Friday. Vanessa has pink eye and an ear infection along with a nasty cough. Brian is our only healthy nut around here....can you say uuugghh, pleaseeeeeeee come summer! What do you do?

I also have not been entirely thrilled with our weather, the sun is shining but it is cold still. We were out today for not even an hour and Hayden said he was cold, of course, he fell asleep on the couch so he could have just been tired too. I'm hanging in there though, I could use some more sleep but I'll catch up eventually.

On to peachier subjects...smiling...I made that word up...hehehe...Peachier...sounds good to me...The fundraiser for Andre Bosse went fantastic, we are donating $1600 to the center! WooHoo!!! I'm so proud and feel very honored to have been a part of this success. The article in the paper about me was nice and I have been getting comments everywhere I go, which is a little weird but fun! I guess there may be another article after this is said and done telling how much was given and that will be cool.

In the end, I made some wonderful new friends, the ladies I worked with are just gems and I will always count my blessings for meeting them and having them in my life now. Today, I am working on a meal for a friend who just had a baby, I'm making cupcakes, meatloaf, potatoes and salad. I just did a meal for another friend in April and I am doing one in June and one in July. I absolutely love doing this kind of thing. If I could, I would make a business out of it.

So, even though sickness has wormed it's way into our lives again, I'm still able to do my volunteer work, which makes me so incredibly happy. It made me feel so good to explain to Hayden what the meal was all about and he said to me "Mom, they need that food to help them." He got it and understood.


Flabulous Mom said...

SOunds like the fundraiser was huge success! Too cool! and all your volunteering that's great! I'm so happy for you. That's just awesome that Hayden gets it. I'm sorry to hear that you guys have been sick again. That sucks. hang in there though. It's got to pass sooner or later right?

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled about your fundraising accomplishment! Congratulations! And hearing about the meals you are creating and Hayden's response reminds me that we should still look into volunteering for Meals on Wheels. You are quite the inspiration...