Thursday, August 6, 2015

Toy Story Blues

You know how in Toy Story 3, the part where the little girl grows up and doesn't want Jessie anymore? It has happened with my little/big girl! Vanessa no longer wants any of her TS characters and she has them all. I have to admit the moment she handed them to me to put in our yard sale, my heart actually hurt and I thought of that part in the movie that always makes me cry. I don't want my little girl to grow up and not want her toys and on the other hand, I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming. It truly is bittersweet. I think I shed some tears as I walked away from Vanessa with Woody, Jessie, Buzz and the others in my arms. A piece of me is so torn, do I save them for grand babies or sell them and feel so sad...I still don't have an answer and the yard sale is three days away. I wonder how many more moms go through this as their child grows up....I've handled it pretty good up until this point. What will I do when she turns 13, 16, 18....sighs! I think I have to go rescue them from the yard sale box!!! Yes, I am feeling emotional! Ha!!😜

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