Friday, September 28, 2007

Much better now...

The week is at the end and it ended up better...Kids are all good and healthy...I'm feeling better and I did better at swimming today. I did 22 laps in 25 minutes, so that is more laps in less crawl was a lot better today, however I tried to do the backstroke and gagged on a bunch of water and had to take a minute to cough it all out...That completely sucked!

Still haven't had a chance to hop on the treadmill but I keep trying to find time to do it...It's hard with my hubby not home...the kids want to play and well, I can't not play...In the meantime, I got some other things done, I packed away more items for my spring yard sale, including all of Vanessa's bottles!!! Yea!!!...Thank goodness we are done with that..I had been letting her drink out of one before bed but I bagged it, she is fine on cups, it's cups all the time then...She just turned 11 months old on Wednesday, getting so big!!

Now we are working on her Binky, so far she screams her head off for an hour then conks out...hehehe...Well, she did that yesterday, today was more like 20 minutes...I'm trying to wean her off and just give it to her at night at bedtime...She's just going to have to find another way to comfort herself so I have been doing a few things with her to try to help...

She has a bear with a small blanket attached and it has satin edges, so I rub that on her cheek and she holds onto it and giggles...We'll see how it I slipped when I took her to the store and she pooped about 10 minutes into shopping, well I wasn't stopping so after about 15 more minutes she started to wiggle around and get antsy so I gave in and gave her the Binky...

Hayden didn't have a Binky so this is a learning experience for me also, I should have had her off of this a long time ago but the doctor said not to worry about it and then life just goes on and you don't worry about it...until now, I just feel crappy because she truly has an attachment to it...So, I'm in the store and a gal is behind me probably in her 30's also and she tells me that they didn't get rid of her daughter's Binky until she was 3 1/2 years old...I thought to myself, WHAT!!!!

Just can't quite comprehend that but she went on to say that the dentist told her they don't worry about it until they turn 4...The weird thing about it is I keep seeing all these celebrities and their children who are 2-3 years old with Bink's and I cringe..I thought it was because they are spoiled and have nannies and don't care but it must be a real thing...I just can't do it...I will let her basically wean it until she is 1 but, as soon as her birthday comes...the Bink's are in the trash...If we have to cold turkey it, so be it...

I understand the first year and maybe, just maybe a few months after but that's it...Anyways, Hayden has been bringing home more art work and he had show and tell again today and he took in two airplanes...Miss Larson said he did very well...I do have something so cute to share about Hayden...he got some scholastic book order papers, 3 to be exact, so the other night I was sitting on the couch looking at them and he came and stood with his hands behind his back, so proper...smiling...

And he went through each one, carefully turning the page and scanning all the books..then he would say "Mom, I would like to read this book" "and this one" and so on...He did this with every page putting his hands behind his back while he observed everything so thoroughly...I marked all the ones he liked...Then at the end of all 3, he looks at me and says "you can give Santa my list?"....Oh it was too darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's growing up into such a fine young man, school has helped...Since starting, he has just blossomed so much and he was always a great kid and used his manners but it's like he has become more polished with school...One thing I really noticed about him, is he takes the initiative more..He would always clean up real good and help with anything but now we don't ask, he just does things...This is so much fun for me also, I get excited to pick him up and check his box for projects and papers that come home...I get so giddy!!

Well, this blog is getting so longgggg...Just wanted to catch up and let everyone know my week ended up better than when I wrote last...Good news, I lost 2 pounds in my two weeks of exercise...yea!!! Only 48 more to go!!!...hehehe...Like I said, I'm much better now....

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